Frequently Asked Questions

Users can register on the website as an Affiliate to earn money on the website. Affiliate users need to share the affiliate URL through which sellers can register themselves. Further, if the referred seller registers on the website and purchases any of the membership plans then the Affiliate will get 10% to their wallet.
Users can register as an Affiliate by clicking on the link provided in the footer “Affiliates”. Upon clicking the link, the user will be redirected to the Affiliate Registration page. On the registration page, the user needs to fill the multi-tab signup form to create an affiliate account.
For registration, users need to submit the following details.
1. Personal Details
● Username
● Email
● Name
● Password
● Confirm Password
● Phone Number

2. Company Details
● Company
● Website
● Address Line 1
● Address Line 2
● Country
● State
● City
● Postal Code

3. Payment Information
● Tax ID
● Payment Method

o If Cheque
▪ Cheque Payee Name

o If Bank
▪ Account Holder Name
▪ Bank Account Number
▪ Swift Code
▪ Bank Address

o If PayPal
▪ PayPal Email Account
After successful registration, the affiliate user needs to verify the registered email, only then the system will allow logging into the website.
The system contains a single login form for all the users including affiliate users. Upon clicking the Sign In option from the top navigation bar, a login popup window will be displayed. The affiliate user can log-in to the system here
After a successful login, the user needs to select the Dashboard option by clicking their name displaying at the top right corner.

Affiliate user will be redirected to their Dashboard area where they can check/manage the following parameters:
1. Personal Information
2. Address Information
3. Credit/Wallet Balance
4. Sharing
5. Profile Information
By clicking on the sharing option from the left navigation bar, the user will be redirected to the Sharing Information page. The Affiliate user can share the Affiliate link by the following methods.
● Copy the invitation link and share the URL.
● Share the invitation link on Facebook/Twitter/Email.

Users that register using the shared link by the Affiliate user will be assigned as users of that particular affiliate. The affiliate would receive a commission for registration made by those referral links.
Affiliate user can manage the following sections under the “Profile” tab of the navigation menu:
1. My Account
2. My Credits
3. Change Password
4. Change Email

My Account
Affiliate Users can manage account information such as profile details and payment information under this section.

My Account Tab
Affiliate User can edit profile details such as:
1. Customer name
2. Date Of Birth
3. Phone no.
4. Company
5. Website
6. Address
7. Country
8. State
9. City
10. Postal Code
11. Payment Info
Affiliate users cannot edit their Username, as it is a unique field that is used in database records. Email Address cannot be edited from this page but the same can be done from the “Change Password” and “Change Email” section mentioned in this document.

Affiliate users can upload or remove their profile images from this section. The user also has the feature to select the default dashboard to be displayed after login.

Upon clicking the Request to Remove My Data button, the affiliate user can submit a request with the admin to remove their account data like personal data, payment information, etc as per GDPR rule.
Upon clicking the Request My Data button, the affiliate user can submit a request with the admin to share all their account data as per GDPR policies.

Payment Information Tab
Affiliate users can manage their payment information from this tab. The following details can be managed under the payment information tab.
1. Tax ID
2. Payment Method
● If Cheque
o Cheque Payee Name
● If Bank
o Account Holder Name
o Bank Account Number
o Swift Code
o Bank Address
● If PayPal
o PayPal Email Account
These payment methods would be used while placing withdrawal requests from the My Credits page.

My Credits
A list of all the transactions will be displayed under this section. Affiliate users can also send a fund withdrawal request to admin from this section. They can also search for a particular transaction by using the following search filters:
1. Keyword
2. Transaction type (Credit/Debit/Both)
3. From date & To Date

Upon clicking the Request Withdrawal button, the affiliate user will be redirected to the Withdrawal Request page from where they can send a funds withdrawal request to the admin. The Admin will transfer money to the affiliate user on the preferred payment method selected during making the withdrawal request.

Change Password
Affiliate users can update their password from this section.

Change Email
Affiliate user can change their email address from this section. NOTE: Affiliate users will need to verify their new email address for changes to take effect in the system.