Frequently Asked Questions

The seller can navigate to the sign-up page by clicking on the ‘Become a seller’ button from the footer navigation links.

Seller will navigate to the ‘Seller Registration’ page where the seller needs to input/edit the following fields:
● Name: Seller can edit their name.
● Username: Seller will input a unique preferred username.
● Email: Seller can edit their email address.
● Password: Seller will input the preferred password
● Confirm Password: Seller will input the password entered in the previous field.
● Terms & Conditions checkbox: Seller needs to check the checkbox to accept the portal's terms and conditions.
Upon clicking the ‘Register’ button, the seller will register themselves to the portal:

The confirmation tab will display a confirmation message of successful registration. Clicking the ‘Login’ button will navigate the seller to the sign-in page. Before Login to the system, the seller needs to verify his/her email address. The seller will receive a verification link to the registered email address.
The seller can navigate to the sign-in pop-up from the very top of the homepage by clicking on the ‘Sign In’ button.

Seller will have to input a registered email address or username during the sign-up process along with their password.

Clicking on the ‘Login’ button will verify the entered credentials and redirect the seller to the homepage/dashboard page.

The seller can access the ‘Forgot Password’ section in case the seller does not remember their password or wants to reset the password.

Clicking on the ‘Forgot Password’ button from the Sign-In pop-up navigates the seller to the ‘Forgot password’ page.

Seller will need to enter their registered username or email and complete the Captcha security to click the ‘Submit’ button.

A password reset email is sent by the system to the registered email address. Seller will have to click on the link shared within the email. Seller will be redirected to the ‘Reset Password’ page.

Seller will need to enter the ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm New Password’ fields before clicking the ‘Reset Password’ button.

The system will display a success message and the seller will be redirected to the ‘Sign-In’ page. Seller will need to log in with the new password.

After successful login, Seller can click on the user icon from the homepage to access profile actions such as
● Dashboard – will navigate the seller to the ‘Dashboard’ page.
● My Account – will navigate the seller to the ‘My Account’ page in the Dashboard.
● My Messages – will navigate the seller to the ‘Messages’ page in the Dashboard.
● Logout - – will log the seller out of the system

From this Shop Details page, Seller can view and manage the details of their shop. In order to add a product, the shop of the seller must be created first. Please refer to the below tabs for information that needs to be filled by the Seller on the Shop Setup page:

1) General Tab
The seller can input relevant shop details that would be displayed to the buyer/customer on the frontend. This section also allows the seller to edit/update key information.
● Identifier: This field requires the seller to input their Shop name.
● Shop SEO Friendly URL: This field helps with editing the shop URL for SEO purposes.
● Postal Code: This field requires the seller to input the postal code for the shop.
● Phone: This field requires the seller to input the Phone number for the shop.
● Country: Seller needs to select the country in which the shop is located.
● State: Seller needs to select the state in which the shop is located.
● Display Status: Seller can turn OFF or ON the display status of the shop at the front end. This functionality should help the seller during the initial shop set up or making bulk updates.

The seller can use this link to view their shop as a buyer would see it. This would reflect the changes made in the Manage Shop section.
EcomBRI is a catalog-based system, this means that there is a catalog of products. A seller can create new products by clicking on the ‘Manage Products’ button and than clicking Add New Product.

‘Product images’ button is only displayed on products owned/added by the seller themselves. The seller can select the desired option for the product, language and upload the product image.
The seller can manage account information such as profile details and bank account information under this section.

The seller can edit profile details such as:
● Customer Name
● Phone
● Country
● State
● City
● Company
● Brief Profile

Sellers cannot edit Username, Email & Date of Birth as it is unique within the database records.

The seller can also upload or remove the profile image from this section and also have the feature to select a default dashboard (Buyer or Seller) which would be displayed after login. Note: Seller dashboard can only be selected it admin has allowed sellers a buyer role as well.

As per the GDPR guidelines, sellers can raise a request to remove their data using the ‘Request to remove my data’ button. The seller can also request their data from the admin using the ‘request my data’ button. This data is restricted to personal data and not order based data in the system.
Messages sent by buyers to sellers will be displayed under this section. The seller can view the message thread and also able to reply to the recent message sent by the buyer.

The seller can also search for messages by using the keyword-based search functionality.
The seller can update their account password from this section. For additional security, the seller will have to enter their current password along with the new password.

The seller can change their email address from this section. NOTE: Seller will need to verify their new email address for changes to reflect.