Golden Rays Trading Co.

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Golden Rays Trading Co. deals in water treatment chemicals used in Boiler, Ac Plant, Ro Plant, Cooling tower & chiller etc. Golden Rays Trading Co. is a leading Industrial RO Plant engineering work, supply & services all over Pakistan. Also engineering work of water treatment products, wastewater treatment plant and their services. We also have services and parts of Air compressor, Boiler, Ac Plant, Ro plant, Cooling tower, chiller & other general order. Industries we served Textile, Weaving, spinning, dying, sugar, ghee, steel, pulp & paper, poultry farms & feed industries, pharmaceutical, food & beverage, fertilizer, chemical, cement, brewery, Fish farm, dairy farm, bio-tech, bio-pharma, cable, PVC pipes, laboratory, Tobacco Industry, thermal and nuclear power and many more.


All Types of Industrial Water Treatment Chemicals Textile, Sugar, Steel, Power etc. Services & Compressor Parts. Services and Engineering work of RO PLANT, COOLING TOWER, BOILER.
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