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Kimia Farma was the first pharmaceutical industry company in Indonesia established by the Dutch Indies Government in 1817. The name of this company was originally NV Chemicalien Handle Rathkamp & Co. Based on the policy of nationalization of ex Dutch companies at the beginning of the independence period; the Government of the Republic of Indonesia merged in 1958 a number of pharmaceutical companies into PNF Bhinneka Kimia Farma. Then, on 16 August 1971, the form of PNF as legal entity was changed to Limited Liability Company and the company’s name was changed to PT Kimia Farma (Persero). Started its IPO in July 4 2001, KAEF share its stock composition 90,025% as state owned and 9,975% as public stock share. Through an inbreng process carried out by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on February 28, 2020, ownership of 4,999,999,999 series B shares was transferred to PT Biofarma